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Jan 3, 2007

Haunted House

Alice couldn't wait until we had everything unpacked, and all the pictures on the wall and in there proper place. It was a two bedroom house that sat up on a hill over looking Ump-qua valley, she loved the town, and we were new to the area. I worked for my father in a service station which was a stones throw, away from where we were going to be living. I liked the landscaping, we had three big redwood tree's that seemed to kiss the sky. Rose bushes dressed the driveway along with several meadow ferns, The backyard was huge with a chain link fence for the dog we would eventually have .

I've always heard stories about haunted houses, and ghosts, but I've never really believed in them, until I experienced it myself. I was sitting on the couch when I first felt a feeling as if someone walked past me and then sat beside me on the couch. I never really thought anything about it until I looked at the cushion and seen an indentation on the sofa cushion, as if a three hundred pound person was sitting there next to me. As I sat there trying to figure it all out James, started crying very loudly up stairs in his room, as I entered the doorway His bed was shaking very violently, he was trying to get out of the bed but every time he went to crawl to the side of the crib he would be pushed to the other side of the crib.

I remember learning, in a bible study that you could call on the name of God, and he would protect you. So I thought I would try it and it worked but for only a few hours. Alice was due home from work, I new I couldn't show any kind of emotions to what was happening around the house, so I tried to play it straight as I sat in the rocking chair to feed James, as she walked in the house. After we had dinner and spent some family time together it was rather quiet around the house for a couple of hours, then we heard another strange noise in the kitchen. I got up from the chair I was sitting in and went into the kitchen, to see what was going on. The drawer was hanging from it's slot it sat in and all of the silverware was laying on the floor.

Alice went crazy on me, she new what was happening immediately, there wasn't any explanation to a drawer pulled from it's slot and the utensils laying on the floor, and she believed in ghosts anyway. I did everything I could to calm her down, she told me there isn't anyway in hell, I'm staying in this house ever again. I new she would feel that way and I was kind of relieved that she new about the things that were happening, and she filled me in on some of the things she had noticed yesterday, but didn't tell me about them.

I hated to move, we were going to lose a few hundred dollars for our change of mind. But I figured that it would be the best thing to do considering how freaked out Alice was. I couldn't tell the landlord that the house was haunted, I know he would of laughed his ass off at me, I wasn't willing to take that chance .

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