Green River Killer
Immediately he slipped into the passengers seat running the edge of his switch blade across the round of his thumb. Itching to open her throat.
Microfiction means the shortest of short stories. Think of complete stories that can be told in under a minute. For this game, the limit is a tweetable 140 characters or even fewer. Every Sunday evening She'll post a photo or illustration, followed by Her own 140-character story. All you have to do is write your own 140-character story about the picture and post the story on your blog. Don't forget to sign into Mr. Linky! leaving a comment after posting your Blog Address so others can come and read your entry.

Shivers! Reminder to not pick up strays!
Another sinister one! Sounds like the opening to a suspense novel.
Yikes, chapter 2.
I'm scared now, no more hitching in my future.
I love your blog, first time here!
Yikes! I hope the blade was poisoned and he cut himself.
(I've got to save the girl *somehow*!)
Thanks for playing Larry!
Mama always said never hitchhike and several of you have brought that point home but good this week!
That was an eye opener!
Creepy. That guy looked so normal, too.
Nice one!
Chilling story my friend. Well done :)
Rabbit, rabbit
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