Brought to you by Thommyg
Three word Wednesday
The Three Words Are
Shard - Pulse - Weary

My eyes were weary as I stumbled down the stairs, awakened by the sound of glass shattering, leaving very sharp shards of glass from an antique vase I inherited from my mother after she had passed away thirty years ago. Of course, it was worth bunches.
I realized that it was gone for ever. I saw the silk curtains blowing from the open sliding glass door where the intruder apparently entered or exited from the house. I grabbed the 9 milimeter pistol from the safe behind the Thomas Kincaid, picture hanging on the brick wall next to the fireplace.
I immediately went into kill mode in case I were to run into the burgler who just trashed my mother's vase. By this time my pulse was racing, heart beating with a pounding I had never felt before, especially when I noticed the intruder in the mirror hanging in the hallway. He was hiding behind the bar like the coward he was.
Three word Wednesday
The Three Words Are
Shard - Pulse - Weary

My eyes were weary as I stumbled down the stairs, awakened by the sound of glass shattering, leaving very sharp shards of glass from an antique vase I inherited from my mother after she had passed away thirty years ago. Of course, it was worth bunches.
I realized that it was gone for ever. I saw the silk curtains blowing from the open sliding glass door where the intruder apparently entered or exited from the house. I grabbed the 9 milimeter pistol from the safe behind the Thomas Kincaid, picture hanging on the brick wall next to the fireplace.
I immediately went into kill mode in case I were to run into the burgler who just trashed my mother's vase. By this time my pulse was racing, heart beating with a pounding I had never felt before, especially when I noticed the intruder in the mirror hanging in the hallway. He was hiding behind the bar like the coward he was.
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1994 – 2010
Interesting treatment on this. Wonder what happened to the dude.
I've only ever been burgled while away from the house.
Suspenseful! I, too, wonder what happened?
Phew, the suspense is killing me!
Nicely thought through!!
what happened to him? haha you guys want the blood and guts too eh? As I spotted his reflection in the mirror hanging in the hallway I picked up a tennis shoe and tossed it in his deirection scaring him he jumped up and headed for the sliding glass door, I shot him twice yes two bullets to the chest killing him instantly. I left him soaking up the polar bear rug lying in front of the fireplace AS i DIALED 911.
Thanks everybody for showing so much interest in this Three Word Wednesday post. I'll soon be seeing you at your blog also.
Hope this is just pure fiction, because if it's not, I am afraid for your life in your intent to get back at the intruder!
Well, kinda eerie rendition here!
My 2nd week at 3WW, please drop... :)
Nice shootin' Larry... both as the writer and the character!
Great fast build up of tension and suspense!
I hope the polar bear rug wasn't too valuable. He had it coming.
Bet he won't try that again....
He just shouldn't have been there. Darned burglar!
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