The Longest Road
Please remember ThomG He works hard to bring This to us on time
Brought To Us By ThomG
Abbrasive -Handfull -Loss -
The loss of my father was very painful. He and I shared a very unhealthy love for each other it wasn't that I hated him I just didn't trust him. He was constantly inflicting pain upon my body or emotional pain in my head. I can remember when we went swimming together, he would wrestle holding us beneath the water waiting and holing us under the water long enough we'd panic because it felt as if we were about to drown.
This happened every time we were in the swimming pool together, which was a lot of times. Finally, I simply decided that swimming with my dad was over with. I never swam with him again. I always wondered what it was that he hated about me so much I never found out.
I took the measurement where Dad was going to be resting beneath the old oak tree. I placed his name and his birth date on the headboard. I found a handful of screws and carpenters brads and encased the headstone. I found an abrasive peace of emery cloth and smoothed the brads a bit and made them shine, Dad always liked shiny brads.
I'll never forget the time he broke down in the desert. I walked to the closest gas station which wasn't in sight when I started walking. He bitched because I took so long, nobody else volunteered to walk it so think about that. Damn Dad, I wish you were here again.
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1994 ~ 2011
It sure is the longest road, well written Larry.
Sheilagh Lee said: love and hate realtionship with dad so hard for the prson to deal with there feelings after such parent dies.Well written
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