America to Austrailia

Hosted By Grandma's Goulash
140 characters
How low can you go?
Use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words.
Want more of a challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is optional.
The word of the week is procrastinate. Succinctly Yours will open on Monday, but you can post at any time during the week.
I always procrastinate when I have to travel to America from Austrailia. The flight is fourteen hours long, that is such a long time to sit.
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"The flight is fourteen hours long, that is such a long time to sit."
I have to laugh! I thought for sure you were going to say something about your arms being tired from all that flying! LOL!
It is indeed! :0
Mine's up too.
Yikes! That is a long flight. I think it would be worth it for a few weeks in Australia, though. :)
14 hours, I hated flying from Buffalo to Atlanta and that's just a couple of hours. It would be worth it though for a lovely vacation. ~ Calico Contemplations
Part of the onboard instructions should include moving around once every couple of hours to prevent blood clots in one's legs. That is a terribly long flight!
Fourteen hours is a long time to do anything. I'd be procrastinating too.
My Succinct: Tough Economy
14 hours is insanely long.
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