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Feb 26, 2010

Zaphers Revenge


      Brought to you by

55 words. It's fun exciting and definitely a challenge making sure to use no more than fifty five words and no less of course and you must read the ones of your fellow writers.  Gmans Place  Let the G-Man know if you write one Why Gman's? Place because he's the Man who came up with this great Idea.

     He mulled the night's events over in his mind. The full moon hung above his head mocking the humanity he clung to with such persistence. The streets were full of lunatics crazy in the moonlight. Somewhere in the city Sandra was in full form, stalking another girl who would live only if she was lucky.

All Rights Reserved
1994 – 2010



Vodka Logic said...

yikes.. a great image with your 55 words.

Hootin Anni said...

Full through the night? Sounds like maybe a wolfman?!!! Okay maybe not. But the 55 is great and filled with suspense!

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS 55 for me this week. [scroll down a bit to find 'er]

Brian Miller said...

rock on larry, great piece this week. i cant wait to see wolfman. good tension you were able to create. great 55.

mine is up!

Unknown said...

Full moon? Vampire?
I love the suspense. Great job.

Have a great weekend.


inappropriatesue said...

I think I'll stay in tonight. Great 55!
I’m up right HERE

Mike Minzes said...

Nice 55.

Jessie said...

you certaintly captured this well! well done!

warm smiles,

Ed & Jeanne said...


What do werewolves do if nobody goes out at night?

Here's my 55 here

Buzzard said...

No matter what it is, It will leave you cold.

Mine's Up: The Loft

Akannie said...


Walking, stalking, savoring....

Great 55, Larry!!!

Monkey Man said...

Spooky. I like it. My 55 is HERE .

Susan at Stony River said...

Whoa, 'in full form' takes on a whole new meaning. Very dark. What a night!

Peter Stone said...

Very chilling, that girl had better run!

Anonymous said...

Awright, that settles it. I'm not going out after dark this evening.

Mine is here.

g-man said...

This was one of your Best!
Very riveting..
Excellent 55 My Friend.
Thank you for playing today, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...Galen

Mike said...

I was thinking vampire? Great atmosphere that you created.

Sherry said...

Hi Larry - Thanks for your comment on my blog. I especially liked the section in your 55, "mocking the humanity"! Have a great weekend!


Susan said...

Sounds like a very intricate detail of a long and juicy novel. My first time to join the fray so maybe it is? Loved it!

hope said...

I'm late....but then again, if girls are being stalked, maybe that's a good thing. :)

Interesting as always!