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Jan 16, 2007

Grandma's Coo Coo Clock

I found myself sitting at the desk early this morning thinking of the new year that is now upon us. The window was wide open, I could hear the sounds of rain. Water splashing from the tires spinning down Garden Valley Blvd. I was very deep in thought as I imagined a coo coo clock chiming twice I flashed back by some forty one years ago when Grandma was still alive and Robert one of my younger brothers and I stayed with grandma for the summer.

Grandma worked for the Herald Examiner, She was in charge of the paper getting delivered to the paper carriers. The paper carriers had there own paper route, usually through the winter, and spring but when summer was in full swing most of the boys were with there family some where on vacation. Grandma couldn't do, it by herself so she asked Robert and I, if we wanted to spend the summer helping her deliver her news papers she had over two hundred papers to deliver, We saved enough money to by brand new bikes at the end of summer.

I remember Grandma's house was an older one and the floors squeaked when you went down the hall to one of the bedrooms, I use to lay at night and listen to all the different noises in the night as small kids usually do, Sometimes, I would find myself a little freaked out when I heard a noise, I wasn't use too. The most memorable noise in the night was grandma's coo coo clock. Every hour on the hour it would coo coo in the night. It was a weird neighbor hood anyway we had several Hells Angels living next door. Something was happening all the time. constant beer drinking, we weren't allowed to go over there house ever just because of the kind of people that were hanging around over there.

When the women went to town they would take the station wagon, This car didn't have a windshield in it or any other windows for that matter, kids playing in the back of it all of the time, they could only drive it during daylight because the car didn't have headlamps either it was more or less street legal during day lite hours. You know this had to be in the early sixties, or the police would be all over them now a days to get the car off the streets .

Just another memory of when I was a young boy it seems not all that long ago the memories are still very clear of the things Robert and I did, while spending the summer with Grandma, and Red. Grandma's house was famous for mice, She use to cut the top out of a tin can and cover up the hole, where the mice entered from the fields at the beginning of autumn when the weather started getting colder. After my grandfather passed away in 1973 Grandma moved to Bakersfield to be closer to all of us .

She began working for a woman who wasn't able to take care of herself any longer. Finally the woman passed away and grandma moved in with dad and his new found wife. Yes that's, right Mom and Dad finally divorced.

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1 comment:

ugyen said...

check out your Blogs in My Collection, "Personal Blogs" A link from you would be great!!!