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Apr 7, 2007

Michael Our Brother

The poem below is also posted on several other websites. The author is unknown but many thanks goes out to the person who wrote this. If you are an addict, you will be able to relate to this poem as if it were your best friend. If you are the loved one of an addict, be prepared to shed a few tears because this is the harsh reality.

My Name is Crack

I destroy homes....... I tear families apart.

I take your children......and that's just the start.

I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold.

The sorrow I bring, is a sight to behold.

If you need me, remember, I'm easily found...

I live all around schools and in town.

I live with the rich...I live with the poor...

I live down the street...maybe even next door!

I am made in such can shoot me or smoke...

I used to be called "cocaine...or coke"

The sound that I make, when you're inhaling my stench...

Is how my name "Crack" came to be...(perfect sense)

My power is awesome; try me, you'll see...

But if you do, you may never break free.

Just try me once, and I may let you go...

But try me twice, and I'll own your soul.

When "I" possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie.

You'll do what you have to, just to get "high".

The crimes you'll commit, for my narcotic charms...

Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms, lungs and nose.

You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad.....

When you see their tears, should feel sad.

But you will forget your morals...and how you were raised.....

I'll be your "conscience"...I'll teach you "my ways".

I'll take kids from parents, and parents from kids.

I turn people from "GOD".....and separate friends.

I'll take everything from you, ...your looks and your pride.

I'll be with you ALWAYS.......right by your side.

You'll give up everything...your family, your home....

your friends,.... your money....then you'll be all alone.

I'll take & take, till you have nothing more to give...

When I'm finished with'll be lucky to live.

If you try me, be warned........this is no "game"...

If given the chance....I'll drive you insane!

I'll ravish your body...I'll control your mind..

I'll own you "completely"....your "soul" will be mine!

The nightmares I'll give you, while lying in bed...

The voices you'll hear.....from inside your head...

The sweats, the shakes...the "visions" you'll see...

I want you to know...these are ALL "gifts from me".

But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart..

That you are MINE.....and we shall not part....

You'll regret that you tried me...they always do...

But YOU came to ME...Not "I" to you......

You knew this would happen,...many times you were told...

But you challenged my "power"...and chose to be "bold".

You could have said "no".....and just walked away...

If you could live that day what would you say???

I'll be your "Master".....and you'll be my slave...

I'll even go with you...when you go to your grave.

Now that you have met me...what will you do??

Will you try me or not? It's all up to you....

I can bring you more misery than words can tell...

Come take my hand....let me lead you to HELL!!!!

And that is exactly what happened to my Brother Here is my story of a Brother I lost just last year He has eight Brothers and Sisters a Mother and A father Who Loved Him So Much.....

Robert, and I finally arrived in Bakersfield, Ca . Mom, and Nell, picked us up from the depot to drive Robert, and I, to Michael's, House. As we arrived Michael, was sitting on the edge of his bed waiting as we walked into the house Just, the look on Michael's face was worth the trip. You could tell He was glad to see Robert and I just by the delight in His eyes.

The first few days Michael wanted to take us around town to introduce Robert and I to a few friends of his or just to visit old friends we hadn't seen for several years. He took us to the Mall to show us a few things that he had always dreamed of having. We stopped at MC Donald's and had a couple of burgers then Michael wanted to drive over to Moms just to visit for awhile.

We have been blessed with a large family Michael had three brothers and four sisters that love him very much. He loved to be with all of us when we were all together at the same time. I will always feel that Michael was trying to enjoy those times again while we were all there with him to support him through the tough times that He would soon encounter .

After about a week of radiation treatments Michael started losing weight and becoming weak from the radiation. He asked his Doctor why his legs and arms hurt him so much? The doctor told him that the cancer had moved to his bones and that the bones were becoming brittle and there was a possibility when he got out of bed his arms or legs could break just from standing up or turning over in bed. Soon the Nurse from Hospice came to Michael's house checking up on him and increasing his medication to a higher dose of Oxycodone and an in-between medication painkiller called break-through.

It was then when Michael started fading out and sleeping often waking up only long enough to go to the bathroom or to have something to eat. What was really special but sad in a heart wrenching way was when Michael, heard Moms, voice He would call out to her.

We soon received a phone call from Michael's girlfriend Jennifer informing us that Michael went to his doctors appointment this Morning and the doctor admitted Him into the Hospital for pneumonia. The doctor told us that Michael was slowly starving to death and that the next best thing we could do is let him insert a feeding tube so Michael could get the nourishment He needed.

Michael, told us himself that he was dying He could feel it. He then told Mom He didn't want to die in the Hospital He wanted to go home and be at home when He died. At that point Mom took action getting Him back home where he wanted to be. We finally got Michael, back home where he wanted to be with his family and loved ones.

The nurse from Hospice came to Michael's house and checked Michael's vitals and then asked Him what level his pain was at? between one and Ten the highest number would be to where you couldn't bare the pain. Michael told the Nurse that he was at a level of seven. The nurse increased his pain Medication to a stronger amount of Oxycodone via suppository 140 milligrams.

Once the nurse had left and the Medication started to take affect Michael fell back to sleep. Friday was when the Hospice Nurse last seen Michael He slept most of the weekend off and on more sleeping than awake. The Hospice doctor showed up at Michael's to check on him and motioned for all of us to come into the kitchen where he told us Michael would probably not live through the night. He told us that we all should talk to him and let him know that we love Him and to give him anything he wanted it couldn't hurt him at the stage he was now in.

We all took our turns hugging Michael and telling him that we love him. Mom read the bible Psalms 23 Michael's favorite Psalm. We talked about different times we remembered and the things that stood out most in our minds about Michael growing up and the clowning around he will always be remembered for.

I bent over and kissed him on the head and then whispered into his ear. "I'll cherish every memory and I'll love you forever Michael". Later that night it was getting rather late being that Michael's house was a small two bedroom house there wasn't enough room to walk around let alone sleep at Michael's, place. So most of us went to Mom's, or Shirley's, About 3:10 Am Michael, passed away. We were all called back to Michael's, where we hugged and kissed him once again but this time it would be the last time.

There is one thing I can say about our Mother even though she is sick with Alzheimer's no matter what time of day or night Mom was there she was steadfast at all times cooking, for Michael changing sheets, wiping his face with a cool cloth, or even retrieving ice for him. Whenever Michael wanted something Mom was always there I have always praised Mom for being the mother that she is. Sure she can get upset and tell your but off really quick but she has always been there when times got tough and she will always be there as long as she's alive.

Remember When

Remember when not long ago it was Tonka trucks and GI Joe?

Remember when not long ago it wasn't Shayne or Robert but Jim and Joe?

Remember when we let the neighbors rooster out and swore we didn't know how that came about?

I can't believe your no longer alive, You fought the good fight but couldn't survive.

God whispered your name said Mike come home, Now my heart is broken and I feel alone, But there will come a day we will meet again but until that day I will REMEMBER WHEN.

Mike I love You.

In loving memory of my little brother Mike.

written by Shayne Moon

© copyright by moonsdesigns 1994-2007 all rights reserved.

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Lisa said...

Oh Larry, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother Michael. Of course you must go to be with him.

I hope he is as comfortable as possible and trust that it gives him comfort to have you by his side.

Thinking of you and your family. *hugs*

Monica said...

I'm one of Lisa's fans and once in a while I pop into other blogs to find new reads. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I pray for strength for your entire family.

shmamber said...

I am sorry to hear about this...

I hope your doing okay. I will pray for you and your brother...

shmamber said...

This story brought tears to my eyes.

I will pray for you and your family.

Take care of yourself.... I am glad you got to make the trip.